Thursday, July 2, 2009

Enter for a chance to have YOUR photography featured on our blog and win a $20 gift card!!!

Berry Chill is interested in what you can treat us with! Beginning Monday, July 6th BC lovers will have an opportunity to display their photog skills on our Facebook fan page and in doing so, participate in our first ever photography contest! Regardless of whether photography is your field of expertise or if you are just someone who enjoys photography as a hobby, we are interested in featuring your artwork! Whether you have concocted a colorful blend of toppings for your BC and want to show it off, or took an unintentional beauty shot of one of our BC locations we want to see it. We will reward the winner with a $20 gift card, and feature the photograph on our blog. There will be an album titled “Berry Creative Pics” where you can add your photograph. We only ask that you include your name and email so we can contact you if you are one of the lucky contestants!

Here's the direct link to the album:

Click here

1 comment:

stellaincognita said...

What is the deadline for submissions?